Organic Awards Premio Alimentos de España 2020_IngeOliva_Cortijo el Puerto_ producción ecológica_QQ

Emotional «ALIMENTOS DE ESPAÑA AWARD» ceremony, a fundamental milestone in our young company, IngeOliva-Cortijo el Puerto, awarded in the Organic Production category.

Premio alimentos de españa 202_IngeOliva_Cortijo el Puerto_ producción ecológica_logo

On October 22 in Madrid it took place with a limited capacity due to health restrictions. The event, chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación), Luis Planas, and led by Sergio Sauca, performed the ceremony for the delivery of the XXXII Food Awards of Spain, aimed at rewarding those who represent the best of all that is good, the excellence in our country in the field of food and gastronomy. Our sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and then whole organization team. 

Organic Production IngeOliva cortijo el puerto premio alimentos de españa

This award, convened annually since 1987, recognises the work carried out by companies and professionals who have distinguished themselves by producing, offering and disseminating Spanish quality food, as well as their contribution to the development of the Spanish food sector in a sustainable and efficient way.

IngeOliva Cortijo el Puerto Premio alimentos de españa ecológica Enrique de la Torre

The winners have been chosen from 120 nominations. For the deliberations, a jury made up of personalities with extensive experience and knowledge of the agri-food and fishing sector has been counted on.

The sobriety of the event due to the circumstances has not prevented the winners from saying a few words of thanks. The CEO of IngeOliva- Cortijo el Puerto, Enrique de la Torre Liébana, highlighted ecology and the promotion of biodiversity as part of our DNA and formula for a sustainable future and, excited, the family character of the company in a sincere tribute and dedication to his parents, head and soul of this project, absent due to current restrictions.

Ingeoliva cortijo el puerto family business

Straight from the heart, our congratulations also to the winners in the other categories, very significantly to the Extraordinary Food Prize of Spain 2019 awarded to the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL), the food bank and its meaningful role always and especially in these days.


INGEOLIVA. S.L. (Cortijo el Puerto) is a family business with a conscious and committed team in a comprehensive project of ecological and precision agriculture and livestock.

innovative SME cortijo el Puerto ingeoliva Organic production

We work on the innovation of the olive and almond trees. 100% organic & biodynamic, we produce extra virgin olive oil and almonds. We are committed to the ecological breeding of native and endangered sheep, along with chickens from indigenous breeds. We grow citrus. We are committed to the natural biological fight, the environmental improvement and the recovery of the biodiversity. Cortijo el Puerto has two foundations that are, in turn, challenges and commitments:

Sustainable organic production. We are 100% organic and biodynamic

Cortijo el Puerto_Ecología y biodinámica_bidynamic and Organic production

Innovation through precision agriculture. It stands out, in this sense, for the use of technological innovations such as satellite images, remote sensing with its own drones, weather stations on the farm or tree and ground sensors. We use information and communication technologies in the field, GPS geolocation of livestock or insect monitoring. Our participation in R + D + i projects has been highlighted in that Ecology & Innovation alliance that is part of our DNA.

R&D cortijo el Puerto innovative organic and biodynamic

We work with a global concept in the innovation of organic agriculture and livestock, a commitment to rich and balanced ecosystems. We defend green, local and stable employment.

Happy and grateful, this award means a lot to us, acknowledgement and credit to our work philosophy, project and product.

Premio alimentos de españa 2020_IngeOliva_Cortijo el Puerto_ producción ecológica

We keep on working on our Green Project that shows how 100% organic production becomes competitive and of the highest quality. On the farm, we work every day, and we reaffirm with these actions our environmental and quality commitment so that the best products reach your tables and  we actively collaborate creating a balanced and rich ecosystem.

cubiertas vegetales premio alimentos de españa cortijo el puerto

Here you can see the video of the awards ceremony with best wishes to all those who support us every day.


IngeOliva Cortijo el Puerto Premio alimentos de españa ecológica